Rods are Acting in the Light and Cones are Inhibited in the Dark. Tohoku J. Exp. Med., 1989, 157 (4), [365][366][367][368][369][370][371][372] The light-and color detection thresholds were measured at three different states of retinal adaptation, i.e., light-and dark adapted states and the intermediate state which was obtained just before the Kohlrausch kink in the course of dark adaptation. At 20° from fixation in the nasal visual field, the wavelength function was examined. The color threshold was higher in the dark adapted state than in the state just before the kink, and the amount of increase was more prominent when the wavelength of the stimulus light was closer to the peak wavelength of rod sensitivity. It was concluded that the rod activation interferes with the cone sensitivity, and that the interference effect becomes stronger as a function of the responsiveness of rods. On the other hand, the spectral sensitivity curve determined in the light adapted state could be divided into two parts. The curve for shorter wavelength than 500 nm was well fitted by the scotopic luminosity curve, suggesting that the light threshold for shorter wavelength is determined by the rod system even in the light adapted state.rods ; cones ; adaptation ; spectral sensitivity ; color vision Two different systems are in the human retina : the rod system is very sensitive in the dark and the cone system, spatial and temporal resolutions of which are much higher than those of the rod system, works in the light. The functional difference between the rod-and cone systems has been most conveniently demonstrated by constructing a dark adaptation curve (Suzuki et al. 1979). The increase of the human retinal sensitivity during dark adaptation process has been expressed by a two-limbed curve with a noticeable break, the Kohlrausch kink, occurring after about 7 min in the dark (see, for example, Cornsweet 1970;Grusser and Grusser-Cornehls 1978). The first part of the curve has been assumed to be due to a rapid increase of the cone system while the second part to the increasing sensitivity of the rod system. Accordingly, the kink has been postulated to be caused by the crossover of the dark adaptation curves of rods and cones,