Objective: To evaluate the medium-term outcomes of the management of children with urethral duplication. Materials and Methods: We report a retrospective study of four children carrying urethral duplication followed in our department over a period of 5 years from 2010 to 2015; Preoperative exploration was based on ultrasound, urethrocystography retrograde and the fistulography. Results: In our study, three patients had rare form of epispadias urethral duplication (complete type II of Effmann and Leibowitz) and one, a "Y" duplication (type II A2). We proceeded in all cases, to the resection of a super urethra excision. The follow up was from 6 months to 2 years for our patients. There was no infectious complication. For one patient with Y urethral duplication, a stenosis of the path of the dorsal urethra was preserved within complete urination. Conclusion: Urethral duplication on a boy is a rare anomaly of the urinary tract. The diagnosis and the determination of its type are based on the retrograde cystography. Its varied clinical expression depends on its anatomical type. If the diagnosis is established in a symptomatic context, the surgical indication is posed with good performances in most cases.