RBCCV 44205-777Marca-passo cardíaco definitivo em crianças com bradicardia pós-operatória: resultados tardios Permanent cardiac pacing in children with postoperative bradycardia: long-term follow-up Abstract Objective: To evaluate the long-term outcomes of children submitted to permanent cardiac pacing due to postoperative bradycardia and to identify risk factors for mortality.Methods: From 1980 to 2004, 120 children were submitted to permanent pacemaker implantation. Interval between the defect correction and pacemaker implantation was 1.2 ± 2.8 years on average (median = 21 days). Atrioventricular blocks were present in 94.2% of patients. Transvenous leads (78.3%) and ventricular pacemaker systems (79.2%) were used in most cases. Risk factors were studied using the Cox proportional model. The Kaplan-Meier method and the LogRank test were used to analyze survival.Results: After a mean of 5.7 ± 5.9 years (maximum = 22.5 years) of follow-up, 97 patients were alive and 23 were lost from the follow-up study. The main causes of death were terminal heart failure (10), infection not related to implantation (six), and sudden death (three). The 5-, 10-, and 15-year survival rates were 80.9 ± 4.1%, 75.4 ± 5.5% and 67.2 ± 7.4%, respectively. The persistence of hemodynamic problems (palliative procedures, the use of valve prostheses or the presence of residual defects) was identified as the only independent risk predictors for mortality, with significant alterations in the survival curves (p=0.0123).Conclusion: The implant of permanent pacemakers in children provided good survival expectancy, mainly depending on the underlying disease and the type of the correction made. Palliative corrections, such as the presence of residual defects or the use of valve prostheses were the only predictors of poor results in these children. Resultados: Após 5,7 ± 5,9 anos de seguimento (máximo= 22,5 anos), 97 pacientes estavam vivos e 11 haviam sido perdidos para o seguimento. As principais causas de morte foram insuficiência cardíaca (10), infecção não relacionada ao marca-passo (seis) e morte súbita (três). A expectativa de sobrevida aos cinco, 10 e 15 anos de seguimento mostrou, respectivamente, índices de 80,9 ± 4,1%, 75,4 ± 5,5% e 67,2 ± 7,4%. A persistência de problemas hemodinâmicos após a correção (correções paliativas, uso de próteses valvares ou defeitos residuais) foi identificada como única variável preditora independente de risco para mortalidade, alterando significativamente as curvas de sobrevivência (p = 0,0123).
DescriptorsConclusões: O implante de marca-passo em casos de bradicardia pós-operatória possibilitou boa expectativa de sobrevida. A realização de correções paliativas, assim como a presença de defeitos residuais ou de próteses valvares, foram os únicos fatores preditores de mau prognóstico para essas crianças.Descritores: Estimulação cardíaca artificial. Bloqueio cardíaco. Pediatria. Procedimentos cirúrgicos cardíacos. Complicações pós-operatórias.