The aims of the present study are: (1) to analyze the effects of the acoustical environment and the voice style on time dose (Dt_p,) and fundamental frequency (mean fo and standard deviation std_fo), while taking into account the effect of short term vocal fatigue; (2) to predict the self-reported vocal effort from the voice acoustical parameters.
Ten male and ten female subjects were recorded while reading a text in normal and loud styles, in three rooms - anechoic, semi-reverberant and reverberant –with and without acrylic glass panels 0.5 m from the mouth, which increased external auditory feedback. Subjects quantified how much effort was required to speak in each condition on a visual analogue scale after each task.
(Aim1) In the loud style, Dt_p, fo and std_fo increased. The Dt_p was higher in the reverberant room compared to the other two rooms. Both genders tended to increase fo in less reverberant environments, while a more monotonous speech was produced in rooms with greater reverberation. All three voice parameters increased with short-term vocal fatigue. (Aim2) A model of the vocal effort to acoustic vocal parameters is proposed. The SPL (Sound Pressure Level) contributed to 66% of the variance explained by the model, followed by the fundamental frequency (30%) and the modulation in amplitude (4%).
The results provide insight into how voice acoustical parameters can predict vocal effort. In particular, it increased when SPL and fo increased and when the amplitude voice modulation (std_ΔSPL) decreased.