In a number of experiments, it was observed that the axial magnetic field gives rise to the rotation of dust structures in strata of dc glow discharges, and the rotation changes the direction as the field increases. We discuss possible mechanisms of the rotation and its inversion. Two mechanisms of the inversion are considered. The first is a result of the competition between the plasma recombination on the dust particles and that on the tube wall. The second is associated with the competition between rotation together with the neutral gas and rotation under action of the ion drag force.Rotation of dusty plasma structures levitating in strata of dc glow discharges under action of an axial magnetic field was observed in a number of experiments [13]. Velocity and direction of the rotation were depended on the magnetic field. Usually, in a weak field the rotation is clockwise if viewed in the direction of magnetic field, but as the field increased the rotation direction changed [2,3]. Rotation of the dust particles was also observed in rf discharges [1,4], however, in the present communication we consider only dc discharge and discuss two possible mechanism of the rotation inversion.The main forces acting on dust particles and giving rise to their rotation are the ion drag and neutral gas friction forces. The ion azimuthal velocity is defined by two causes. The first is due to the ion drift in the crossing radial ambipolar electric and axial magnetic fields, and the second is the diamagnetic ion current associated with the radial gradient of the ion pressure. Both the corresponding components of the ion azimuthal velocity are proportional to the radial gradient of the plasma density dn/dr. So, one of the possible causes of the inversion of the dust structure rotation is the inversion of the ion rotation due to the change of the sign of the radial gradient dn/dr. This may occur when the rate of plasma recombination on the dust particles becomes higher than that on the tube wall because of the plasma magnetization. In weak magnetic fields the dust structure rotates counterclockwise, and as the field increases it rotates in opposite direction. This mechanism of the rotation inversion has been presented in our paper [5]. However, it would be significant for rather large bulk structures, absorbing mainly the radial plasma flux. In the case of small planar Dusty/Complex Plasmas: Basic and Interdisciplinary Research AIP Conf. 277 structure observed in [3], the radial flux to the dust structure is not so important in comparison with the axial one.Another mechanism of the dust structure rotation inversion can be associated with the neutral gas rotation due to the nonuniformity of stratified dc discharge and modulation of plasma parameters along the tube. In a nonuniform positive column, axisymmetric eddy currents appear that gives rise to the gas rotation under action of an axial magnetic field [6]. The rotation directions are different for different horizontal gas layers in the discharge tube. On the level of the stratum he...