A film-theory model is presented for nonisothermal gas absorption with a secondorder
In trod uc t ionMany industrially important gas-liquid reactions, such as oxidation, sulfonation, nitration, halogenation, and alkylation, are highly exothermic in nature. In these processes, two types of heat are generated: the heat of solution that is generated at the gas-liquid interface; the heat of reaction that is generated within the mass transfer film near theminterface for fast reactions or within the bulk liquid for slow reactions. The release of the heat of solution and reaction during absorption may result in significant temperature increase at the interface, which in turn affects the absorption rate behavior. Thus, in heating the liquid, it increases the rate of reaction and diffusion further steepening the concentration gradient near the gasliquid interface and thereby increasing the absorption driving force. But it also decreases the solubility of the gas in the liquid, thereby decreasing the absorption driving force. Hence, the overall rate of absorption is a result of the combination of these two opposing effects.Such an interfacial temperature rise has been observed by Basil Al-Ubaidi is with The M. W. Kellogg Company, Houston, TX, several investigators. For instance, Mann and Clegg (1975) and Mann and Moyes (1 977) indirectly measured temperature rises up to 53°C for chlorination and 58°C for sulfonation using a laminar jet technique, whereas Ponter et al. (1974) measured the interfacial temperature rise directly by an infrared technique and found a 20°C rise for sulfonation. Increases of this magnitude will significantly affect the solubility; hence, this phenomenon needs to be understood for the design of absorption-reaction systems. For first-order reactions, the interfacial temperature rise and the relevant enhancement factor have been analyzed theoretically by several investigators. These were mainly carried out using either the film or the penetration models (Danckwerts, 1953;Shah, 1972;Mann and Moyes, 1977;Asai et al., 1985;Chatterjee and Altwicker, 1987). The more general case involving a second-order bimolecular reaction was analyzed using the film theory by Bhattacharya et al. (1987) and more recently by Al-Ubaidi et al. (1990). A penetration theory analysis of the same case was also attempted by Evans and Selim (1990).