Elastic dynamic systems with open kinematic chains are effectively described by a recursive model of the generalized Newton–Euler method with the provision of computational algorithms with a degree of complexity proportional to the dimension of these systems, i.e. O(n). Such systems, in particular, are elastic manipulators, some of which are discussed in this article. In the case when elastic dynamical systems have closed kinematic circuits, the application of a numerical analysis strategy without reversing the mass matrix is extremely difficult. The analysis of the simplest type of elastic mechanisms with closed circuits, such as a crank–slide mechanism and a four–pin mechanism with elastic connecting rods, revealed a peculiar picture of the periodicity of the functions of elastic movements of connecting rods, which differs significantly from the periods of operation of the mechanisms themselves. In this article, the properties of the periodicity (or pseudo-periodicity) of the elastic displacement function of mechanisms with elastic links of variable length are investigated using examples of numerical dynamic analysis of crank–rocker mechanisms.