While optimism – a cognitive disposition that involves positive beliefs about the future – is a strong predictor of wellbeing at work, we know little about its role in how people experience and respond to injustice at work. In other words, does optimism mitigate or exacerbate the experience of workplace injustice? This is an important practical question because optimism is a promising avenue for interventions. Taking an affective events perspective, we expect that daily events of peer injustice trigger affective reactions, and that the degree of trait optimism will influence the strength of these affective reactions. Thus, we develop two competing predictions. The reverse buffer hypothesis, which suggests that optimists’ heightened expectations lead to increased disappointment and hence more negative emotions in the face of injustice, and the buffer hypothesis, which suggests that optimists’ better use of coping strategies allows them to experience less negative emotions. In a 10-day diary study with 251 employees, we find support for the buffer hypothesis of optimism on peer injustice experiences: those higher in optimism reported fewer negative emotions and lower levels of sleep problems the night following such experiences. Our findings illustrate how cognitive and emotional mechanisms interact in predicting reactions to injustice, particularly sleep problems.