-With dynamic Monte Carlo simulations, we investigate the continuous phase transition in the three-dimensional three-state random-bond Potts model. We propose a useful technique to deal with the strong corrections to the dynamic scaling form. The critical point, static exponents β and ν, and dynamic exponent z are accurately determined. Particularly, the results support that the exponent ν satisfies the lower bound ν 2/d.Introduction. -The effects of quenched disorder on phase transitions are of great interest in physics for decades. Recent efforts on the theoretical and numerical studies can be found for example in Refs. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16]. It has been rigorously proven that an infinitesimal amount of quenched disorder coupled to the energy density will turn a first-order transition to a continuous one when the spatial dimension d 2 [17,18]. This phenomenon has been observed, for example, in the two-dimensional (2D) eight-state Potts model, Blume-Capel model and three-Color Ashkin-Teller model [13,19,20]. For the case of d = 3, the phase transition may persist first order if the strength of quenched disorder is weak, and then soften to continuous if the strength is strong enough [10,14,21,22].The effects of quenched disorder, imposed to a pure system with a continuous phase transition, can be judged by the specific heat exponent α p or the correlation length exponent ν p of the pure system according to the Harris criterion [23]. If α p < 0 or ν p > 2/d, the disorder is irrelevant to the critical behavior, and if α p > 0 or ν p < 2/d, the disorder is relevant, and leads to a new universality class governed by the 'disorder' fixed point [7,11]. For the marginal case α p = 0, the criterion can not give a conclusion whether the disorder is relevant or not, and numerical results support that the model obeys the strong universality hypothesis with logarithmic correlations [5,24]. On the other hand, for a disordered system with a continuous phase transition, which is governed by the 'disorder' fixed point, the specific heat exponent α does not decide whether the disorder is relevant. It is only proven that a lower bound ν 2/d should be satisfied [25][26][27].To clarify the effects of quenched disorder on phase transitions, extensive numerical studies have been performed, for example, for the three-dimensional (3D) q-state site-diluted Potts model, bond-diluted Potts model and random-bond Potts model [4,12,15,16,22]. Recently, a numerical study based on the finite-time scaling and dynamic Monte Carlo renormalization-group methods gives ν = 0.554(9) for the 3D three-state random-bond