A perfect rigid-plastic body is used as a model to develop a general procedure for analyzing the dynamic behavior of an arbitrary curvilinear plate of variable thickness with an arbitrary internal hole. The plate is subjected to an arbitrary, uniform, short-term dynamic surface load. Two plate deformation patterns are considered. Analytic formulas for plastic zones, ultimate loads, and residual deflections are presented. Numerical examples are given Keywords: perfect rigid-plastic plate, curvilinear boundary, explosive load, free hole, ultimate load, residual deflectionIntroduction. The dynamic behavior of various curvilinear thin-walled structural elements under explosive loading is of interest because they are used as components of many engineering structures. The solutions to the bending problem for plastic plates with a free hole known from the literature are related to the dynamic behavior of the following plates of constant thickness: annular plates [12,14,15], curvilinear plates [5, 6], circular plates with an arbitrary hole [9], and to the limiting analysis of annular [1] and square [10,16] plates.We will analyze the dynamic behavior of hinged and clamped arbitrary curvilinear plates with varying thickness and an arbitrary free hole. An elliptic plate with a free rhombic hole and with piecewise-linear thickness function will be considered as an example.1. Model, Assumptions, and Equations of Motion. Let us consider a hinged or clamped perfect rigid-plastic plate with varying thickness and arbitrary smooth convex boundary L 1 (Fig. 1).There is a free hole with an arbitrary boundary L 2 in the middle of the plate. The plate is subject to a high explosive load P t ( ) uniformly distributed over the surface of the plate, instantaneously peaking (P P t