Engineers play different contextual roles in industry and academia, not only by teaching but by mentoring, supervising and training students. Engineers are educators who are expected to provide their students with authentic learning experiences that are relevant to contemporary concerns, and to produce engineers who are responsible, insightful, work independently, have favorable problem-solving skills, and can apply and adapt their knowledge to new and unexpected situations. This book from Education Sciences focuses on important issues in engineering education. In this Special Issue entitled "Towards Excellence in Engineering Education" we invite educators and researchers from engineering universities to discuss and share their experiences. What makes engineering education different to other educational disciplines? What are the challenges faced by engineering education and how should the educational system and curriculum be designed to cope with the high-speed development of technology? This book highlights 11 papers that cover a diverse range of topics of engineering education, mainly focusing on lecturers' personal experiences in engineering education shared through teaching portfolios, assessment styles and teaching methods. E-learning in engineering education is also covered in this book as many lecturers in the engineering field use technology to select, design, deliver, administer, facilitate, and support learning. Examples include computer-based, web-based, and mobile learning. The book covers curriculum in engineering education that offers rigorous analysis of theoretical principles as well as intensive hands-on experience. The engineering curriculum can be divided into three branches, namely engineering science, systems, and design and professional practice. Here, the authors present some of their contributions and the experiences they used to assess engineering students. The academics share the modern teaching methods they use in engineering education, for example, active classrooms, flipped classrooms, problem-based learning and many more that are suitable to the nature of engineering disciplines. This book highlights engineering education for community engagement. EPICS (engineering projects in community service) is an educational program that combines ideas surrounding teaching and learning with the community. Teams of students participate with local and global community organizations to address human, community, and environmental needs.