Microphotoluminescence spectra of GaAs/AlGaAs coupled quantum dots (QDs) are given, and proposed to be analyzed by our resonance dynamic dipoledipole interaction (RDDDI) model, based on parity inheritance and exchange of virtual photons among QDs of different sizes. * * * * * Recent developments in nanostructure technology and precision measurements make the resonance dynamic dipole-dipole interaction (RD-DDI) among electric dipoles each confined threedimensionally, i.e. in a quantum dot (QD), important. In this paper, a model of the coherence generating RDDDI between a couple of pyramidally shaped quantum dots of different sizes is developed in terms of virtual photons and parity inheritance [1]. This is important in practice, because so far no real QD pair could be fabricated in an exactly same size. Experimental results suggestive of the RDDDI between excitons in QDs of different sizes are given and proposed to be analyzed by this model . It is naturally expected that this result should be effective for the realization of quantum bits (qubits), quantum controlled not (CN) gates, swap gates, and a solid state quantum computer, as described elsewhere [2].A QD pair is approximated by a couple of two level systems having a total Hamiltonian H with the dipole-dipole interaction H dd .where suffix 0 denotes the non-interacting independent system. The state of the system is expressed either by the wave function (Ψ) or by the ket vectors | 0 i and | 0 j of the ground states (no exciton) at sites i and j respectively, and | 1 i , | 1 j of excited states (an exciton is created in each) as shown in Fig.1.The interaction energy of the RDDDI between a pair of QDs at sites i and j involving real or q |1 i