Morphophysiological changes in body are influenced by environmental factors, what is more, the specific nature of the body reactions depends on the reaction rate and the stage of ontogenesis on which the physiological stimuli act (I. Schmalhausen, 1982). Also it is known that hormones participate in the regulation of metabolism, growth and development, in adaptation processes. We determined the concentration of high-density (HDL) and low density (LDL) lipoproteins directly involved in protein and lipid metabolism, total cholesterol (TCS), progesterone (P 4), 17hydroxyprogesterone (17-OHP), and cortisol in blood plasma of Hubbard F15 broiler chickens at early postnatal ontogenesis using four groups of poultry of the industrial herd of Chebarkulskaya Ptitsa LLC (Chelyabinsk Province, Russian Federation), 10 animals in each, aged 1, 7, 23 and 42 days, respectively. The role and interrelations of these substances in metabolism were assessed using Pearson's correlation analysis and factor analysis by the principal components method with Varimax factor rotation. Thus, in 1-day aged chicks, the integration of factors HDL, LDL, TCS, P 4 and cortisol involved in metabolic processes and metabolism regulations was noted with r-Pearson for P 4