We evaluate the corrections to the mean field values of the x and z exponents at the first order in the ǫ-expansion, for T = T c . We find that both x and z are decreasing when the space dimension decreases.We want to investigate the purely relaxational dynamics of a short-range spin glass model for T → T + c , in the framework of the ǫ-expansion. The dynamical properties of the model in the mean field theory are very different from those of the models whose dynamical properties are usually investigated in the literature. These new feature make the computation of the dynamical critical exponents much more involved than that of the usual.In a previous work, [6], we evaluated the Gaussian dynamical fluctuations of the order parameter around the MF limit. The aim of this letter is to pursue this analysis, by considering the 1-loop correction to the mean field (MF) theory in a renormalization group calculation. At the first order in ǫ, unlike Zippelius [5], we find results that disagree with the conventional Van Hove theory, because we obtain a correction to the kinetic coefficient already to the lowest order in the loop expansion. In this work, first we evaluate the correction to MF value of the critical exponents x, that describes the critical slowing down of the dynamical order parameter at the critical point, then we evaluate the correction to the z exponent that describes the critical slowing 1