“…Given the difficulty of distinguishing these soft investments from other operating expenditures, the principal assesses the resulting economic asset periodically by conducting 6 In a previous related paper, Rey and Salanie (1990) show that renegotiable two-period contracts can replicate the optimal outcomes of a full commitment long-term contract when transfers are not too limited, objectives are conflicting, and there is no relevant asymmetric information at contracting dates. 7 In examining the effects of commitment in a multi-period agency setting, this paper draws on results from earlier work by Reichelstein (1999a, b, 2003), Indjejikian and Nanda (1999), Christensen et al (2003), and Christensen et al (2002) as well as earlier results on contract renegotiation, e.g., , Fudenberg and Tirole (1990), Hermalin and Katz (1991), Demski and Frimor (1999). 8 Soft investments are also examined by Reichelstein (2003, 2005b) departing from previous literature in which intertemporal incentive provision is examined assuming a verifiable measure of investment is available (Rogerson 1997;Reichelstein 1997).…”