Neurons in the medial superior olive (MSO) and lateral superior olive (LSO) of the auditory brainstem code for sound-source location in the horizontal plane, extracting interaural time differences (ITDs) from the stimulus fine structure and interaural level differences (ILDs) from the stimulus envelope. Here, we demonstrate a postsynaptic gradient in temporal processing properties across the presumed tonotopic axis; neurons in the MSO and the low-frequency limb of the LSO exhibit fast intrinsic electrical resonances and low input impedances, consistent with their processing of ITDs in the temporal fine structure. Neurons in the high-frequency limb of the LSO show low-pass electrical properties, indicating they are better suited to extracting information from the slower, modulated envelopes of sounds. Using a modeling approach, we assess ITD and ILD sensitivity of the neural filters to natural sounds, demonstrating that the transformation in temporal processing along the tonotopic axis contributes to efficient extraction of auditory spatial cues.auditory system | superior olivary nucleus | spatial listening T he auditory system analyzes sounds over different time scales to extract ecologically relevant information, including the identity and location of a sound source ( Fig. 1A; also see ref. 1). In particular, sensitivity to rapidly fluctuating signals in the temporal fine structure (TFS; the sound-pressure waveform) of sounds enables the extraction of spatial information in the form of interaural time differences (ITDs), i.e., the time difference in the arrival of the stimulus to both ears. For frequencies below about 1,500 Hz, human listeners can discriminate ITDs of just a few tens of microseconds (2-4), corresponding to a spatial resolution of about two degrees for sources located to the front. Such exquisite sensitivity relies on the ability of cochlear hair cells to generate action potentials in auditory nerve fibers that are phase-locked to the instantaneous sound-pressure waveform at each eardrum (Fig. 1A, bottom right). Phase-locking to the TFS in nerve fibers extends to at least 4 kHz in many mammalian species but starts to degrade from about 1 kHz as the result of low-pass filtering by the sensory hair cells (5). Postsynaptic specializations in subsequent stages of the ascending pathway-such as the cochlear nucleus-may improve temporal locking of action potentials to the TFS, at least for frequencies below 1 kHz (6). Phase-locked excitatory (and potentially inhibitory) inputs from each ear ("EE" input) ultimately converge on neurons in the medial superior olive (MSO) of the brainstem, where ITDs are explicitly computed (Fig. 1B).For sounds above a few kilohertz in frequency, differences in the intensity of the sound at each ear (interaural level differences, ILDs)-generated by the head "shadowing" the ear further from the source-become increasingly important as localization cues. Although phase-locking of action potentials to the TFS typically is absent in this frequency range, the spiking activity do...