For a graph G and an integer-valued function τ on its vertex set, a dynamic monopoly is a set of vertices of G such that iteratively adding to it vertices u of G that have at least τ (u) neighbors in it eventually yields the vertex set of G. We study the problem of maximizing the minimum order of a dynamic monopoly by increasing the threshold values of individual vertices subject to vertex-dependent lower and upper bounds, and fixing the total increase. We solve this problem efficiently for trees, which extends a result of Khoshkhah and Zaker (On the largest dynamic monopolies of graphs with a given average threshold, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 58 (2015) 306-316).
IntroductionAs a simple model for an infection process within a network [12,13,16] one can consider a graph G in which each vertex u is assigned a non-negative integral threshold value τ (u) quantifying how many infected neighbors of u are required to spread the infection to u. In this setting, a dynamic monopoly of (G, τ ) is a set D of vertices such that an infection starting in D spreads to all of G, and the smallest order dyn(G, τ ) of such a dynamic monopoly measures the vulnerability of G for the given threshold values.Khoshkhah and Zaker [17] consider the maximum of dyn(G, τ ) over all choices for the function τ such that the average threshold is at most some positive realτ . They show that this maximum equals max k :