A finite-size scaling approach is used to show numerically that dynamical scaling occurs for short and long times independently of the initial conditions. Its main idea is to construct particular quantities scaling as L 0 in the thermodynamic limit L→ϱ, L being the linear size of the system. These are the quantities for which the dynamic scaling occurs for short and long times. This approach is applied to obtain the critical dynamical behavior of two-and three-dimensional ferromagnetic Ising models, subjected to Glauber dynamics.
͓S0163-1829͑97͒00302-0͔Although the static critical properties of classical spin systems are well described by renormalization group theories ͑theoretical framework and calculation procedures͒, 1 the dynamic critical properties 2 are not as well understood. In particular, the value of the dynamic critical exponent z is still an open question even for the two-dimensional Ising model 3-6 when dynamics with local flips of spins are considered. The determination of the exponent z for classical models in different lattice dimensions has been done by using several approaches: field-theoretical dynamical renormalization group methods, 2,7 Monte Carlo simulations, 8-10 renormalization group methods, 11-14 damage spreading, 6,15,16 nonequilibrium relaxation, 17,18 and series expansion. 4,19 For the Ising model the various methods obtain in two dimensions 2.10ϽzϽ2.52 and in three dimensions 1.95ϽzϽ2.35. Usually, some of these methods obtain the z exponent from longtime behavior. This limit is hard to be reached because of the critical slowing down that always appears, except for clusters algorithms. 20 Besides, it is also very hard to obtain good statistics in these procedures. Critical slowing down and poor statistics are among the reasons why different calculations produce so many different values for z.Our objective in this work is to present a finite-size dynamical scaling approach which overcomes the usual difficulties pointed out above. The method is then applied to twoand three-dimensional kinetic Ising models with single spin flips. The method can also be applied to systems with more complex ordering behavior subjected to different dynamics.Recently, a method has been proposed 21 to evaluate the z exponent from short-time behavior. It is based on the scaling relation for the dynamics at early times. 22 In this time regime the magnetization initially grows, characterizing a new universal stage of the relaxation of the magnetization, the so called ''critical initial slip.'' However, it turns out that the initial condition ͑zero magnetization and very short correlation length͒ is essential to obtain the dynamical exponent. This happens because the critical initial slip sets right in after a microscopic time scale and eventually crosses over the long-time regime. The characteristic time associated with the critical initial slip is t 0 ϭm 0Ϫz/x , where m 0 is the initial magnetization and x is a new exponent. If m 0 ϭ0, we have that t 0 →ϱ and the early time scaling overlaps with the expected l...