Resonant converter topologies have the ability to eliminate switching losses through zero-voltage switching, making them well-suited for switching operation in the MHz frequency range. However, these types of converters are traditionally very sensitive to changes in input voltage and power level, making them unsuitable as power factor correcting AC-DC converters. This paper present a throughout analysis of the operation of a class DE converter in order to derive a set of conditions, under which it can achieve constant input impedance over a wide input voltage range (60-325 V DC) with constant output voltage (450 V DC) and thus be operated as a PFC converter, while maintaining zero voltage switching across the full range. The operation is experimentally verified under DC-DC operation for different power levels at a series of input voltages within the specified range. The implemented prototype achieves conversion efficiencies of up to 94 % and handles up to 105 W of power at switching frequencies of 2 MHz and above, while achieving constant input impedance over the full input voltage range, enabling its use as a power factor correcting converter.