Many pollution-related issues are raising due to the usage of conventional internal combustion engines (ICEs) vehicles. Electric Vehicles/ Hybrid electric vehicles (EVs/HEVs) are the finest solutions to overcome those problems associated with ICE-based vehicles. The EVs are introduced with a signal energy source (SES), which is not a successful attempt, especially during transient vehicles, driving, etc. Multiple energy sources (MES) EVs are introduced to attain better performance than the SES vehicles, which is obtained by combining two sources like battery/fuel cells, ultracapacitor. In this contest, energy management (EMNG) plays a vital role in sharing the load to the sources as per the EVs requirement. In the case of MES-based EVs, the controller always plays a significant role in the related EMNG system because it is the key factor in improving vehicle efficiency. In this article, a study has mainly been done related to several conventional, intelligent controllers and control algorithms to do the proper EMNG between sources present in the EV.