DESPITE THEIR INHERENT POWER and performance drawbacks in comparison with ASICs, FPGAs are increasingly becoming an option for silicon system designers. A way to overcome FPGA shortcomings (such as clock frequencies more than five times slower than those of ASICs and general-purpose processors) is to blend temporal and spatial computing paradigms in systems by using both general-purpose processors and reconfigurable hardware. This is the approach of reconfigurable SoCs (RSoCs) that have recently appeared on the market-for example, Altera Excalibur ( and Xilinx Virtex-II Pro ( Although researchers have reported obtaining significant performance improvements by combining temporal computing (on CPUs) and spatial computing (on FPGAs), two major obstacles hinder the wider acceptance of reconfigurable computing: the lack of a standardized programming paradigm and the lack of portability for codesigned reconfigurable applications.We propose a general solution that overcomes these obstacles by introducing an additional abstraction. We also address the challenge of achieving seamless hardware-software interfacing and portability with minimal performance penalties.Programmers should be able to preserve their hardware-agnostic, high-level programming approaches, even in the presence of application parts executed on FPGAs. On the other hand, hardware designers should be able to write accelerators that can run across different platforms, without any change in the hardware description language (HDL) code. To meet these goals, researchers have proposed sequential programming paradigms (represented by user programs with a single execution thread) for reconfigurable computing systems. For example, addressing hardware-software interfacing problems within a compiler considerably improves the programmability of reconfigurable computing platforms. 1 We introduce a more general, parallel programming paradigm (represented by user programs with multiple execution threads), which requires no changes on the compiler side. Recently, researchers have introduced a hardwarecentered parallel programming model aimed mainly at supporting the design of networking applications.
2Other researchers have proposed a hybrid hardwaresoftware architecture that enables a multithreaded programming model by implementing execution support blocks (for example, thread scheduling and synchronization) in reconfigurable hardware. Our approach is the only one firmly based on the properties that led to general-purpose computing's common acceptance: programming ease and portability. We introduce a multithreaded programming model for reconfigurable computing based on a unified virtualSeamless HardwareSoftware Integration in Reconfigurable Computing Systems Ideally, reconfigurable-system programmers and designers should code algorithms and write hardware accelerators independently of the underlying platform. To realize this scenario, the authors propose a portable, hardwareagnostic programming paradigm, which de...