The purpose of this paper is to frame a dual-phase-lag model using the fractional theory of thermoelasticity with relaxation time. The generalized Fourier law of heat conduction based upon Tzou model that includes temperature gradient, the thermal displacement and two different translations of heat flux vector and temperature gradient has been used to formulate the heat conduction model. The microstructural interactions and corresponding thermal changes have been studied due to the involvement of relaxation time and delay time translations. This results in achieving the finite speed of thermal wave. Classical coupled and generalized thermoelasticity theories are recovered by considering the various special cases for different order of fractional derivatives and two different translations under consideration.
The work presented in this manuscript proposes a dual-phase-lag mathematical model of a thick circular plate in a finite cylindrical domain subjected to axis-symmetric heat flux. The model has been designed in the context of fractional thermoelasticity by considering two successive terms in Taylor’s series expansion of fractional Fourier law of heat conduction in the two different translations of heat flux vector and temperature gradient. The analytical results have been obtained in Laplace transform domain by transforming the original problem into eigenvalue problem using Hankel and Laplace transforms. The numerical inversions of Laplace transforms have been achieved using the Gaver−Stehfast algorithm, and convergence criterion has been discussed. For illustrative purpose, the dual-phase-lag model proposed in this manuscript has been applied to a periodically varying heat source. The numerical results have been depicted graphically and compared with classical, fractional and generalized thermoelasticity for various fractional orders under consideration.
The microstructural interactions and corresponding thermal changes have been studied due to the involvement of relaxation time and delay time translations. This results in achieving the finite speed of thermal wave. Classical coupled and generalized thermoelasticity theories are recovered by considering the various special cases for different order of fractional derivatives and two different translations under consideration. This model has been applied to study the thermal effects in a thick circular plate subjected to a periodically varying heat source.
Practical implications
A dual-phase-lag model can effectively be incorporated to study the transient heat conduction problems for an exponentially decaying pulse boundary heat flux and/or for a short-pulse boundary heat flux in long solid tubes and cylinders. This model is also applicable to study the various effects of the thermal lag ratio and the shift time. These dual-phase-lag models are also practically applicable in the problems of modeling of nanoscale heat transport problems of semiconductor devices and accordingly semiconductors can be classified as per their ability of heat conduction.
To the authors’ knowledge, no one has discussed fractional thermoelastic dual-phase-lag problem associated with relaxation time in a finite cylindrical domain for a thick circular plate subjected to an axis-symmetric heat source. This is the latest and novel contribution to the field of thermal mechanics.