There is a potential for silver nanowires
(AgNWs) to be inhaled,
but there is little information on their health effects and their
chemical transformation inside the lungs in vivo.
We studied the effects of short (S-AgNWs; 1.5 μm) and long (L-AgNWs;
10 μm) nanowires instilled into the lungs of Sprague–Dawley
rats. S- and L-AgNWs were phagocytosed and degraded by macrophages;
there was no frustrated phagocytosis. Interestingly, both AgNWs were
internalized in alveolar epithelial cells, with precipitation of Ag2S on their surface as secondary Ag2S nanoparticles.
Quantitative serial block face three-dimensional scanning electron
microscopy showed a small, but significant, reduction of NW lengths
inside alveolar epithelial cells. AgNWs were also present in the lung
subpleural space where L-AgNWs exposure resulted in more Ag+ve macrophages
situated within the pleura and subpleural alveoli, compared with the
S-AgNWs exposure. For both AgNWs, there was lung inflammation at day
1, disappearing by day 21, but in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF),
L-AgNWs caused a delayed neutrophilic and macrophagic inflammation,
while S-AgNWs caused only acute transient neutrophilia. Surfactant
protein D (SP-D) levels in BALF increased after S- and L-AgNWs exposure
at day 7. L-AgNWs induced MIP-1α and S-AgNWs induced IL-18 at
day 1. Large airway bronchial responsiveness to acetylcholine increased
following L-AgNWs, but not S-AgNWs, exposure. The attenuated response
to AgNW instillation may be due to silver inactivation after precipitation
of Ag2S with limited dissolution. Our findings have important
consequences for the safety of silver-based technologies to human