Imagine a coverage area where each mobile device is communicating with a preferred set of wireless access points (among many) that are selected based on its needs and cooperate to jointly serve it, instead of creating autonomous cells. This effectively leads to a user-centric post-cellular network architecture, which can resolve many of the interference issues and service-quality variations that appear in cellular networks. This concept is called User-centric Cellfree Massive MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) and has its roots in the intersection between three technology components: Massive MIMO, coordinated multipoint processing, and ultra-dense networks. The main challenge is to achieve the benefits of cell-free operation in a practically feasible way, with computational complexity and fronthaul requirements that are scalable to enable massively large networks with many mobile devices. This monograph covers the foundations of User-centric Cell-free Massive MIMO, starting from the motivation and mathematical definition. It continues by describing the state-of-the-art signal processing algorithms for channel estimation, uplink data reception,