Abstract. With the growing uncertainty and complexity in the manul~acturing environment, most scheduling problems have been proven to be NP-complete and this can degrade the performance of conventional operations research (OR) techniques~ This article presents a system-attribute-oriented knowledge-based scheduling system (SAOSS) with inductive learning capability. With the rich heritage from artificial intelligence (AI), SAOSS takes a multialgorithm paradigm which makes it more intelligent, flexible, and suitable than others for tackling complicated, dynamic scheduling problems.SAOSS employs an efficient and effective inductive learning method, a continuous iterative dichotomister 3 (CID3) algorithm, to induce decision rules for scheduling by converting corresponding decision frees into hidden layers of a self-ger~rated neural network. Connection weights between hidden units imply the schethling heuristics, which are then formulated into scheduling rules. An FMS scheduling problem is also given for illustration. The scheduling results show that the system-attribute-oriented knowledge-based approach is capable of addressing dynamic scheduling problems.