Corona plays an important role in both initiation and development process of leaders around wind turbine blades. In this paper, based on laboratory experiments and numerical simulation, the corona triggering tests are performed by analyzing corona discharge characteristics of wind turbine blades. The corona threshold voltage and the corona current are measured. The corona environmental threshold and the corona triggering threshold are evaluated and discussed in detail. The influence of blade lengths, rotational angles and rotational speeds is analyzed. The results show that the corona trigger threshold obtained is a constant and is about 321.29 kV/m, which appears to be some fluctuations due to atmospheric conditions and charged ions. In addition, through analysis the corona triggering threshold of different rotational angles and the corona environmental threshold of different rotational speeds, rotational wind turbine blades affect the electric field near the blades by varying the blade height and the charged ions distribution at the tip of the blades where the altered blade height accounts for the dominant factor. The above research results are valuable for the understanding of the initiation and development of leaders around the wind turbine blades.