The cannabinoid receptors belong to the class A (rhodopsin family) of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs).2 The second cannabinoid receptor subtype, CB2 (2), is highly expressed throughout the immune system (3, 4) and has been described in the central nervous system under both pathological (5) and physiological conditions (6). All known CB2 ligands are highly lipophilic. In fact, the CB2 endogenous cannabinoid, sn-2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) (7,8), is synthesized on demand from the lipid bilayer itself in a two-step process in which phospholipase C- hydrolyzes phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate to generate diacylglycerol, which is then hydrolyzed by diacylglycerol lipase to yield 2-AG (9, 10). After 2-AG interaction with the membraneembedded CB receptor, it is hydrolyzed to arachidonic acid and glycerol by a membrane-associated enzyme, monoacylglycerol lipase (11). As revealed by the crystal structures of rhodopsin (12-15), the  2 -adrenergic receptor (AR) (16 -18),  1 -AR (19), and adenosine A2A receptor (20), the general topology of a GPCR includes the following: 1) an extracellular (EC) N terminus; 2) seven transmembrane ␣-helices (TMHs) arranged to form a closed bundle; 3) loops connecting TMHs that extend intra-and extracellularly; and 4) an intracellular (IC) C terminus that begins with a short helical segment (helix 8) oriented parallel to the membrane surface. Agonists bind inside the crevice formed by the TMH bundle and produce conformational changes on the IC face of the receptor that uncover previously masked G protein-binding sites (21), which then lead to G protein coupling. Biophysical studies using a variety of techniques indicate that ligand-induced receptor activation produces the following changes: 1) a conformational change in the W6.48 "toggle switch" within the ligand binding pocket (22); 2) a change in the relative orientations of TMH3 and -6 that breaks an IC "ionic lock" (23-28), with the intracellular end of TMH6 moving away from TMH3 by hinging and moving up toward lipid (27); 3) the uptake of two protons (29); and 4) an influx of water (30).Recent isothiocyanate covalent labeling studies have suggested that a classical cannabinoid, AM841, enters the CB2 receptor via the lipid bilayer (1). However, the sequence of steps involved in such a lipid pathway entry has not yet been elucidated. We report here microsecond time scale unbiased