A novel method to make 2D crystals of fine particles is
proposed. It is based on the hydrodynamic
properties of thin laminar flow. To explore the possibilities of
this method, we chose two variables, the
particle diameter and the surface charge density. The spherule
diameter varied from 6 μm to 53 nm, and
its calculated surface charge density from 1134 to 4
μC/cm2. In every case, we easily obtained a rate
monolayer preparation up to 1 mm/s. Moreover, 2D crystals were
always observed. The subphase ionic
condition was the key parameter providing an adsorption window wide
enough to allow a controlled particle−air/water interface adsorption, while maintaining particle−particle
repelling electrostatic forces strong
enough to avoid fractal formation during the surface compression.
This report demonstrates that the
DTLF method is an efficient way of producing monolayers and 2D crystals
of colloids and that it could be
developed to work in a continuous mode.