Here is reported the direct macrocyclization of a prism[6]arene macrocycle bearing branched alkyl chains on the rims. Isopropoxyprism[6]arene adopts in solution and in the solid state a cuboid D2‐conformation in which four isopropyl groups are folded inside the cavity, to give C‒H···p interactions and filling the internal void. The conformational features of isopropoxyprism[6]arene have been studied by dynamic 1H NMR experiments. The presence of branched isopropyl chains on the prism[6]arene rims, stabilizes the cuboid D2‐conformation to a greater extent than ethyl or propyl groups in PrS[6]Et and PrS[6]nPr. The higher resistence of PrS[6]iPr to open its cuboid D2 conformation, with respect to PrS[6]Et and PrS[6]nPr, also affected its binding abilities. In fact, alkylammonium‐based endo‐cavity complexes of PrS[6]iPr show lower binding constant values than the analogous propoxy/ethoxy‐prism[6]arene complexes.