We report an additional reversal mechanism of magnetic vortex cores in nanodot elements driven by currents flowing perpendicular to the sample plane, occurring via dynamic transformations between two coupled edge solitons and bulk vortex solitons. This mechanism differs completely from the well-known switching process mediated by the creation and annihilation of vortex-antivortex pairs in terms of the associated topological solitons, energies, and spin-wave emissions. Strongly localized out-of-plane gyrotropic fields induced by the fast motion of the coupled edge solitons enable a magnetization dip that plays a crucial role in the formation of the reversed core magnetization. This work provides a deeper physical insight into the dynamic transformations of magnetic topological solitons in nanoelements. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.147201 PACS numbers: 75.78.Jp, 75.78.Cd, 75.78.Fg Nontrivial inhomogeneous magnetization configurations in the restricted geometries of micrometer-size (or smaller) magnetic elements play crucial roles in the magnetization dynamics occurring on scales of a few tens of picoseconds [1][2][3][4][5]. Such dynamics have attracted growing interest for their potential applications to future data storage [6][7][8] and processing devices [9,10]. For example, domain wall motion can be described in terms of the dynamics of various types of magnetic topological solitons, i.e., transverse, vortex, and antivortex walls, via the sequential processes of the creation, propagation, and annihilation of them [3,4] in the Walker breakdown regime in magnetic nanostrips or simple motions of single solitons without any transformation of their internal structures [5]. Also, a single magnetic vortex in nanodots can be transformed into a new vortex with its core orientation opposite to the original core orientation via the serial processes of the creation and subsequent annihilation of vortexantivortex (VAV) pairs, with the help of vortex-core (VC) gyration motions [11][12][13][14][15][16][17].Furthermore, it has been reported that VC reversals can take place, possibly avoiding VC motions, under a specific condition of an intended immobile VC [18], by application of strong pulse fields perpendicular to the sample plane [19], or through a thermal excitation [20]. Regardless of the particular conditions and types of driving forces, the common reversal mechanism found thus far is the dynamic process of VAV-pair creation followed immediately by the annihilation of the newly created antivortex and the original vortex inside the nanoelements. Such core reversals are always accompanied by an exchange energy explosion and subsequent spin-wave emissions phenomena.In this Letter, we report a novel VC reversal mechanism driven by currents flowing perpendicular to the sample plane, which occurs through the creation of two coupled edge solitons of half-integer winding number topological charge, not followed by exchange energy explosion and spin-wave emission phenomena. The physical origin of the edge-soliton-mediated VC r...