Astronomical jets are observed from the centres of many Galaxies including our own Milkyway. The formation of such jet is explained using SITA simulations of dynamic universe model. For this purpose the path traced by a test neutron is calculated and depicted using a set up of one densemass of the mass equivalent to mass of Galaxy center, 90 stars with similar masses of stars near Galaxy center, mass equivalents of 23 Globular Cluster groups, 16 Milkyway parts, Andromeda and Triangulum Galaxies at appropriate distances. Five different kinds of theoretical simulations gave positive results. The path travelled by this test neutron was found to be an astronomical jet emerging from Galaxy center.
Explaining Formation of Astronomical Jets Using Dynamic Universe ModelSatyavarapu
Test Particle… NeutronInitial position and mass of the test particle Neutron: It was chosen as it is electrically neutral. The mass of this was taken from Wikipedia. Position of Neutron was taken near the first Galaxy center star. A value of 1000000000 meters for x, 2000000000 for y and for z 3000000000 meters were added to the coordinates of first star and these values were taken as initial x, y, z positions for the Neutron.Initial velocity for the Neutron: An initial velocity of 1% of velocity of light was taken. That is V=30000 km/s=30000000 m /sec.
Time-stepTime-step is the elapsed time between iterations. Sometimes a time-step of 1 second is given initially to stabilize the system for two iterations. A time step of 100 years was taken in some of these calculations.
Initial conditionsThe initial conditions like Mass and Initial distance from Sun in x direction, are shown in Figures 1 and 2. The spike at Mass no.132 indicates Andromeda Galaxy. In Figure 3 the mass distribution taken here for the WR stars is shown.The graphs are provided for visual understanding of the initial conditions for doing these simulations.
Starting conditions used in various filesStarting conditions of Various files used in this paper are given below. Neutron mass and all the other distances were not changed, they were maintained the same in all these theoretical experiments as discussed above.
Mathematical BackgroundThe mathematics of Dynamic Universe is available in many published papers. The following Equation (7) is the basis for many calculations. This basic equation is sufficient for almost all practical purposes ( ) This concept can be extended to still higher levels in a similar way.
SITA (Simulation of Inter-Intra-Galaxy Tautness and Attraction forces)SITA is a totally non-general relativistic algorithm. Here in NO way GR effects are taken into consideration. No space-time continuum. No λ factor to introduce repulsion between Galaxies at any distance. In this SITA Simulation Universe is assumed to be dynamically moving and rotating. This is not a static model as assumed by Newton. Additionally on SITA, a inhomogeneous and anisotropic lumpy universe was assumed.
ProcedureThe quest is simple. We need to find out on which input conditions the pa...