In this paper, we report on high critical current density (J c ) YBCO films deposited by pulsed laser deposition on CeO 2 buffered ABAD-YSZ/stainless steel templates with a thickness ranging from 0.7 μm up to 4.2 μm. In the thinnest sample, a transition temperature (T c ) of 90 K and a critical current density of 2.6 MA/cm 2 was reached at 77 K. With increasing thickness, T c drops as well as J c . The total critical current (I c ) increases strongly up to a thickness of 2.8 μm, reaching a value of almost 600 A/cm-width. In thicker films, no further increase in I c was observed. A higher surface roughness and misoriented YBCO grains were found in layer thicknesses above 2.8 μm and are assumed to be the main reason for the limitation of the current transport.