An unprecedented increasing in online ties that are created on social platform makes our social relations andinfluences more complex and diverse. We hereby propose a rumor spreading model in the multilayer-like networks byincorporating strong relations and weak relations in this paper. In particular, two type of fixed topologies are servedto describe the strong relations, and the activity-driven model is used to construct the weak relations. Moreover,the differential individuals’ propagation ability is taken into consider when we present the rumor spreading model.The mean-field theory and an approximation method are employed to theoretically derive the rumor propagationthresholds, which are consistent with the simulation results. Further research results show that the difference ofones’ strong relations can significantly influence rumor propagation. More specifically, we find (i) the density ofrumor spreader reaches the equilibrium in a shorter time, (ii) the final density of rumor spreader is higher, while thestrong relation structure is a heterogeneous network. However, while the strong relation structure is a homogeneousnetwork and the individuals’ activity rate is negatively correlated with their propagation ability, resulting in a easierspreading of rumor. Interestingly, we get the opposite result while the strong relation structure is a heterogeneousnetwork. In addition, individuals’ propagation ability and their weak relations can affect the final density of therumor spreaders, but the effects are not identical.