As a first step toward developing a reaction model that enables a comprehensive description of neutrino-nucleon reactions in the nucleon resonance region, we have applied for the first time a dynamical coupled-channels model, which successfully describes N, N ! N, N, N, KÃ, and KAE reactions up to W ¼ 2 GeV, to predict the neutrino-induced meson production reactions with ÁS ¼ 0 at the forward-angle limit. This has been achieved by relating the divergence of the axial current matrix elements at Q 2 ¼ 0 to the N ! X reaction amplitudes through the partially conserved axial current hypothesis. We present the contributions from each of the N, N, N, KÃ, and KAE channels to the F 2 structure function at the Q 2 ! 0 limit up to W ¼ 2 GeV.