Motivated by photoinduced phase transition in manganese oxides, charge and spin dynamics induced by photoirradiation are examined. We calculate the transient optical absorption spectra of the extended double-exchange model by the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) method. A charge-ordered insulating (COI) state becomes metallic just after photoirradiation, and the system tends to recover the initial COI state. The recovery is accompanied with remarkable suppression of an antiferromagnetic correlation in the COI state. The DMRG results are consistent with recent pump-probe spectroscopy data. PACS numbers: 78.20.Bh, 78.47.+p, 75.47.Lx Competition among multiple phases is a key issue to understand electronic states in strongly correlated electron systems. Nature of the phases is characterized by internal degrees of freedom of electrons, namely spin, charge, and orbital [1]. Low-lying fluctuations of these degrees of freedom grow up toward the phase boundary. Then, tiny amounts of external perturbations can dramatically change the electronic states. Prototypical examples are perovskite manganese oxides where a ferromagnetic metallic (FM) phase competes with a chargeordered insulating (COI) phase associated with antiferromagnetic (AF) and orbital orders [2]. In the COI phase, electric resistivity drastically decreases by magnetic field, pressure, impurity, and so on.Photoirradiation is known to be a powerful tool to induce such dramatic response. This is called photoinduced phase transition (PIPT) [3]. Ultrafast manipulation of femtosecond pulse laser is characteristic of the PIPT, and provides a striking difference between the PIPT and the other phase transitions. At early stages of the PIPT, only electronic part of the systems is strongly affected, and the spin, charge, and orbital degrees of freedom play major roles on relaxation dynamics. This is in contrast to the other phase transitions where structual deformation sometimes occurs. Thus, we expect novel relaxation processes of the PIPT and electronic structures that can not be created in equillibrium conditions.The manganese oxides provide good playgrounds for elucidating effects of the multiple degrees of freedom on the PIPT [4,5,6,7,8,10]. In particular, the photoirradiation into the COI phase strongly influences transport, magnetic, and optical properties. Remarkable decrease of electric resistivity has been observed in Pr 0.7 Ca 0.3 MnO 3 after the photoirradiation [4,5,6]. Metallic behavior has been also observed in pump-probe reflection spectroscopy measurements on Nd 0.5 Ca 0.5 MnO 3 [7]: spectral weight of optical conductivity above the COI gap is transfered into lower-energy region within 400 fs after the photoirradiation. Magneto-optical Kerr spectroscopy measurements performed on Nd 0.5 Sr 0.5 MnO 3 and Gd 0.55 Sr 0.45 MnO 3 suggest that a FM component is induced by the photoirradiation [8,9].The purpose of this Letter is to examine microscopic processes of the PIPT in a system where the charge and spin degrees of freedom strongly couple ...