In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles, whether they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result in a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure, and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant, and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General Relativity (GR) at large scales, and semi-classical models remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model resulting into what we define as SMG. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model without New Physics other than gravity, i.e. no new particles or forces, or with the standard cosmological model (ΛCDM), in terms of dark matter and dark energy. Multi-folds can be encountered in GR at Plank scales, in spacetime quantization starting from the Hilbert Einstein action, and in the equivalence principle of suitable quantum reference frames in relational quantum physics. Conversely, GR and Quantum physics can be recovered through different paths from multi-fold spacetime reconstruction and the W-type multi-fold hypothesis. In a multi-fold universe, GR and Quantum Physics are not incompatible, they are just different facets of multi-fold mechanisms, something that neither theory can well model.In QFTs, scattering amplitudes are perturbatively computed using Feynman diagrams. Recent work showed that classical scattering of massive or charged particles, or objects, and resulting wave radiation, are classically fully characterized by up to the five-point tree-level diagrams. All the loop and other order diagrams contribute quantum corrections. We explain such results in multi-fold universes. Furthermore, doing so we detail how gravitons are unphysical quasi-particles, a key difference with gauge interactions that also results into gravity QFT/EFT non renormalizability. Yang Mills theory and gravity have many commonalities, including the double copy behavior in scattering amplitude. Besides relating this behavior to Kaluza Klein, and space time matter induction, the paper shows not only how double copy is compatible with multi-fold mechanisms, but also argues that it implies the multi-fold emergence of gravity from (virtual) entangled particle pairs, which is at the core of the multi-fold mechanisms. Furthermore, gravity contains Yang Mills, as implication of its square root of scattering amplitudes. Also, it explains why one therefore also can derive, under the right conditions, Yang Mills from the Hilbert Einstein action, as are encountered by superstrings when adding a conformance condition. As announced by the title, we show how these results imply that GR is obtained, at the scale of the SM, from the kinematics of SM, i.e., from Yang Mills, (massless) particles. It validates one of the a priori arbitrarily imposed axiom of the multi-fold theory, and provides a microscopic explanation for the double copy behavior, which so far is unjustified in conventional QFT or superstrings. This way, the paper explains how Yang Mills contains gravity / GR, and, conversely, quantum gravity / GR contains Yang Mills, so that the E/G conjecture is satisfied. A microscopic mechanism to explain the Ultimate Unification (UU) is also discussed.