We propose a new radiative mechanism for neutrino mass generation based on the SU(3)c ⊗ SU(3)L ⊗ U(1)X electroweak gauge group. Lepton number is a symmetry of the Yukawa sector but spontaneously broken in the gauge sector. As a result light Majorana masses arise from neutral gauge boson exchange at the one-loop level. In addition to the isosinglet neutrinos which may be produced at the LHC through the extended gauge boson portals, the model contains new quarks which can also lie at the TeV scale and provide a plethora of accessible collider phenomena.PACS numbers: 14.60. Pq, 12.60.Cn, 14.60.St, 14.70.Pw, 12.15.Ff The origin of neutrino mass and mixing, required in order to account for neutrino oscillation data [1,2], poses one of the biggest challenges in particle physics. While charged fermions must be Dirac particles, neutrinos are generally expected to be Majorana fermions [3], breaking lepton number and inducing neutrinoless double beta decay [4]. While attractive, the idea that neutrino mass is related to unification, encoded in the highscale seesaw paradigm [3, 5-8] falls short of covering the wealth of interesting neutrino mass schemes. Indeed neutrino masses could well be a low-scale phenomenon, both within the seesaw mechanism as well as other alternative approaches [9]. This brings in substantial freedom in model building, making the structure of the leptonic weak interaction much richer than the CKM matrix [10,11] characterizing the quark sector, and opening the exciting possibility of probing the associated neutrino mass messenger particles at collider experiments [12][13][14].Lepton number symmetry provides an important theoretical guide in neutrino mass modeling, depending on its fate different classes of models can be envisaged. For instance, lepton number can be conserved, leading to Dirac neutrinos. Or it can be violated explicitly, since gauge singlet Majorana masses can be added by hand in the SU(3) c ⊗ SU(2) L ⊗ U(1) Y model [3]. Or it can be a spontaneously broken global or gauged U(1) symmetry. The former defines the so-called seesaw majoron schemes [15,16], while the latter characterizes left-right symmetric electroweak models [17]. Another important challenge is the origin of the number of families. We know that three different flavors exist, i.e. states with the same gauge quantum numbers but different mass. But we do not know why nature replicates, nor why the masses of the three generations of Standard Model quarks and leptons are so different, nor why they mix in the way they do (flavor problem).In this paper we consider an alternative approach to neutrino mass generation at accessible scales and "explaining" the number of families. The model is based on the SU(3) c ⊗ SU(3) L ⊗ U(1) X (3-3-1) electroweak gauge structure and is consistent only if the number of families equals the number of quark colors [18,19], giving a reason for having three species of fermions. This feature follows from gauge anomaly cancellation and characterizes 331 models, including other variants e.g. [20][21...