The early time regime of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation in 1 + 1 dimension, starting from a Brownian initial condition with a drift w, is studied using the exact Fredholm determinant representation. For large drift we recover the exact results for the droplet initial condition, whereas a vanishingly small drift describes the stationary KPZ case, recently studied by weak noise theory (WNT). We show that for short time t, the probability distribution P (H, t) of the height H at a given point takes the large deviation form P (H, t) ∼ exp −Φ(H)/ √ t . We obtain the exact expressions for the rate function Φ(H) for H < Hc2. Our exact expression for Hc2 numerically coincides with the value at which WNT was found to exhibit a spontaneous reflection symmetry breaking. We propose two continuations for H > Hc2, which apparently correspond to the symmetric and asymmetric WNT solutions. The rate function Φ(H) is Gaussian in the center, while it has asymmetric tails, |H| 5/2 on the negative H side and H 3/2 on the positive H side.