The experiment indicates that there is no lattice dimerization in the region of high pressure.Hence this experiment discloses the fact that there exists a smooth change from band insulator (BI) at low pressure to Mott insulator (MI) at high pressure with some characteristic changes of charge and spin excitations in the crossover region.Defining ε c and ε s by conductivity= exp(−ε c ) S/cm and 1/T 1 = exp(−ε s ) /sec, respectively, from the experiment, 1) we see that ε c first decreases as the pressure increases, has a minimum near p = 8 kbar, and then increases saturating near p = 16 kbar, while ε s decreases as the pressure increases monotonically and gradually saturates above p = 10 kbar. Moreover the temperature (T ) dependences of both ε c and ε s are of activation type, i.e., proportional to inverse temperatures at least in the crossover region. Hence we expect that E c = T ε c and E s = T ε s at fixed temperature (room temperature) disclose essentially the pressure de-1/8