Quantum simulators based on atoms or molecules often have long-range interactions due to dipolar or Coulomb interactions. We present a method based on Floquet engineering to turn a long-range interaction into a short-range one. By modulating a magnetic-field gradient with one or a few frequencies, one reshapes the interaction profile, such that the system behaves as if it only had nearest-neighbor interactions. Our approach works in both one and two dimensions and for both spin-1/2 and spin-1 systems. It does not require individual addressing, and it is applicable to all experimental systems with long-range interactions: trapped ions, polar molecules, Rydberg atoms, nitrogen-vacancy centers, and cavity QED. Our approach allows one achieve a short-range interaction without relying on Hubbard superexchange. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.94.040701Introduction. A quantum simulator is a quantum system that is engineered to implement a particular quantum model [1,2]. A quantum simulator with a large number of particles would be able to simulate quantum many-body systems beyond what a classical computer could handle [3]. One goal of quantum simulation is to implement models that describe solid-state systems and thereby gain direct insight into phenomena like high-T c superconductivity.There has been a lot of progress on quantum simulation using cold atoms [1,2]. A common feature of such systems is the presence of long-range interactions that decay with a power law in distance due to dipolar or Coulomb interactions [4][5][6][7][8][9]. On the one hand, long-range interactions can lead to qualitatively new physics [10]. On the other hand, solid-state systems usually have short-range interactions because Wannier functions are exponentially localized [11][12][13]. Thus, for the sake of directly simulating solid-state models, it can be preferable for quantum simulators to have short-range interactions.For ultracold atoms in an optical lattice, the on-site interaction arising from s-wave scattering allows one, in principle, to achieve a nearest-neighbor spin model via superexchange [14,15]. However, the nearest-neighbor interaction is small, and it is hard to cool the atoms to sufficiently low temperatures. This has motivated many experimental groups to create quantum simulators based on dipolar or Coulomb interactions [4][5][6][7][8][9]. The advantages of these setups are that the interaction strength is large and that the atoms do not have to be very cold. However, these setups have long-range interactions, so it would be beneficial to somehow remove the longrange tail while otherwise preserving the magnitude of the interactions.In this Rapid Communication, we show how to use Floquet engineering [16,17] to reshape a long-range interaction into a short-range one. Although we focus on making the interaction as short range as possible, our approach can be used to engineer other interaction profiles. Starting from a spin model with long-range XX interactions, we modulate a magnetic-field gradient periodically in time, so that in a rota...