We tested the hypothesis that vagal withdrawal plays a role in the rapid (phase I) cardiopulmonary response to exercise. To this aim, in five men (24.6 Ϯ 3.4 yr, 82.1 Ϯ 13.7 kg, maximal aerobic power 330 Ϯ 67 W), we determined beat-by-beat cardiac output (Q ), oxygen delivery (Q a O 2 ), and breathby-breath lung oxygen uptake (V O2) at light exercise (50 and 100 W) in normoxia and acute hypoxia (fraction of inspired O 2 ϭ 0.11), because the latter reduces resting vagal activity. We computed Q from stroke volume (Q st, by model flow) and heart rate (fH, electrocardiography), and Q a O 2 from Q and arterial O2 concentration. Double exponentials were fitted to the data. In hypoxia compared with normoxia, steady-state f H and Q were higher, and Qst and V O2 were unchanged. Q a O 2 was unchanged at rest and lower at exercise. During transients, amplitude of phase I (A 1) for V O2 was unchanged. For fH, Q and Q a O 2 , A1 was lower. Phase I time constant (1) for Q a O 2 and V O2 was unchanged. The same was the case for Q at 100 W and for fH at 50 W. Q st kinetics were unaffected. In conclusion, the results do not fully support the hypothesis that vagal withdrawal determines phase I, because it was not completely suppressed. Although we can attribute the decrease in A 1 of fH to a diminished degree of vagal withdrawal in hypoxia, this is not so for Q st. Thus the dual origin of the phase I of Q and Q a O 2 , neural (vagal) and mechanical (venous return increase by muscle pump action), would rather be confirmed. cardiovascular response ALTHOUGH OUR KNOWLEDGE of the central (neural) control of the cardiovascular system at the exercise steady state is quite well established (19,42,57), how the circulatory readjustments upon exercise onset occur and match the increase in pulmonary oxygen uptake (V O 2 ) is less understood, as are the mechanisms underlying this matching. The kinetics of V O 2 at exercise onset were seen for a long time as reflecting essentially the metabolic adaptations in the working muscles (15,31,33). Some authors, however, soon identified two components of the V O 2 kinetics: 1) a rapid, almost immediate phase (phase I) (5, 54, 55), which they attributed to an immediate increase in cardiac output (Q ) at exercise start; and 2) a subsequent slower phase (phase II), to which they restricted the influence of muscle metabolic adjustments. The strongest support to this view came from the demonstration that the kinetics of Q (12, 13, 16, 60) and arterial O 2 flow (Q a O 2 ) (27) are very rapid.The concept of a close correspondence between V O 2 and muscle O 2 consumption was further undermined by the recent demonstration that, upon the onset of light exercise, the V O 2 kinetics are faster than the kinetics of muscle O 2 consumption estimated from the monoexponential decrease in phosphocreatine concentration (7,14,43). This would imply dissociation of the kinetics of V O 2 and muscle O 2 consumption, which should respond to different control mechanisms.Our postulate is that the V O 2 kinetics are dictated by ...