A novel sliding cable element that takes friction into account is presented to solve the analysis problem, such as the slider reefing parachute systems, the suspended cable systems and the space net systems. According to the force analysis of the slider point, a formulation is obtained, which aims to calculate the tension on both sides of the slider point using the node coordinates. Based on this formula, the principle of virtual work, the finite element method, the generalized node internal force, the body force, and the time-dependent mass matrices are derived. Two classic validation problems with analytical solutions are used for the comparison of the solutions between the analytical method and the finite element method, as well as for the comparison of the solutions with or without friction. The comparison results show that the sliding cable element is theoretically correct and that the results without considering friction are unreliable. A new approach using the sliding cable element for the accurate friction test of the space net was presented for the analysis of the two-stage projection scheme; the result indicated that the accuracy of the experimental data processing is improved.