Baths produce friction and random forcing on particles suspended in them. The relation between noise and friction in (generalized) Langevin equations is usually referred to as the second fluctuation-dissipation theorem. We show what is the proper nonequilibrium extension, to be applied when the environment is itself active and driven. In particular we determine the effective Langevin dynamics of a probe from integrating out a steady nonequilibrium environment. The friction kernel picks up a frenetic contribution, i.e., involving the environment's dynamical activity, responsible for the breaking of the standard Einstein relation.
I. REDUCED DYNAMICSThe Langevin equation or its generalizations are effective diffusive dynamics to describe certain tagged degrees of freedom interacting with a heat bath. Best known is the case of a Brownian particle suspended in a fluid at rest. In a growing number of applications the tagged particle or probe moves in a driven or active medium of particles, the latter in turn being in contact with an equilibrium heat bath. In that way there are three levels of description: probe, driven particles and heat bath -see Fig. 1. For the driven particles we have in mind active media such as the cell environment of a living organism in which the motion of microprobes is studied [7,34], or spatially extended objects such as large polymers undergoing nonequilibrium forcing and for which the motion of a tagged monomer is investigated [18,33]. We can also imagine a sheared or non-uniformly rotating and thermostated fluid in which colloids or polymers are moving; see e.g. [8,11,22,40] among many possible references. In fact, baths can be out-of-equilibrium for a great variety of reasons. Here we do not concentrate on one special case but go for the general structure of the effective dynamics of a probe in weak contact with many constituents under steady driving. For better focus we do not consider the effect of time-dependent reservoirs like arXiv:1309.3160v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech]