electronic structure and excited-state dynamics of heterojunctions
composed of 2D silicane and germanane-based materials (SiR, GeR; R
= H, Me) and anatase or rutile isomorphs of TiO2 are investigated.
Our calculations reveal a high tunability of the band gaps of these
heterostructures: 2.28 eV in SiH/a-TiO2 to 0.16 eV in GeMe/r-TiO2. Nonadiabatic molecular dynamic (NA-MD) simulations suggest
that electron–hole recombination in SiH/a-TiO2,
SiH/r-TiO2, and GeH/a-TiO2 occurs within 46.0,
3.6, and 1.2 ns, respectively, which is notably slower than in other
analogous materials. The methylation of Si or Ge monolayers and the
use of rutile polymorphs increase the nonadiabatic coupling and accelerate
the recombination. A simple accelerated NA-MD method is devised in
this work to evaluate the time scales for extremely slow dynamics
of excited states. On the contrary to the electron–hole recombination,
“hot” electrons are found to thermalize within a picosecond
time scale, whereas some hot holes thermalize notably slower, on the
order of 20.5 ps in SiH/a-TiO2 and 65.3 ps in GeH/a-TiO2. High tunability of the band gaps, suitable electron and
hole localization, and long recombination time scales suggest that
SiH/a-TiO2, SiH/r-TiO2, and GeH/a-TiO2 heterostructures may be promising candidates for photocatalytic