Annotation. The mortality rate in Ukraine is 15.2 people per thousand citizens. Whereas the average European indicator is 6.2 people. Analysis of statistical information allows us to conclude that, for reasons of mortality, mortality from HIV/AIDS plays a significant role. Despite the efforts and modern means of counteracting the HIV epidemic, the developed regional target programs (CPU) require improvement, changing priorities, and informing society as the epidemic trends in the region. The authors propose, as a method of evaluating the CPU, the construction of an economic-mathematical model (EMM) of the dependence of the quality indicator on the indicator of resources. The assessment of the task "Ensuring the prevention of HIV infection, care and treatment for HIV-infected and AIDS patients in the Dnipropetrovsk region" CP "Health of the population of Dnipropetrovsk for the period 2015-2019" was carried out. The established inefficiency of the implementation of the CPU is explained by the low level of financing in the current economic situation of the country, and the non-optimal allocation of funds for the tasks of the CPU.