“…For acoustic phonons the eigenvalue &(K) is obtained as [7]&(K) = E(K) * [ E @ ( K ) -E,) + B2(E(K)/2 -E0)]1/2r-1n,(16) where E(K) is the energy of an exciton with wave vector K. Eo is the energy of the center of the unperturbed exciton band with a width of 2B, and t = Iv2, v being the velocity of sound in the crystal, and I the mass coefficient of the host molecules.In the final state the exciton gets trapped at the impurity (p), and two phonons are emitted. The eigenvectors of the final state can be expressed asI P ;~ = C G,B:b:b:-,lO;n),9 where G, is a normalization constant given byThe conservation of momenta of the system in its initial and final states is taken care of by the two phonon! emitted.…”