Hair cells, the sensory receptors of the internal ear, subserve different functions in various receptor organs: they detect oscillatory stimuli in the auditory system, but transduce constant and step stimuli in the vestibular and lateral-line systems. We show that a hair cell's function can be controlled experimentally by adjusting its mechanical load. By making bundles from a single organ operate as any of four distinct types of signal detector, we demonstrate that altering only a few key parameters can fundamentally change a sensory cell's role. The motions of a single hair bundle can resemble those of a bundle from the amphibian vestibular system, the reptilian auditory system, or the mammalian auditory system, demonstrating an essential similarity of bundles across species and receptor organs.auditory system | dynamical system | hair cell | Hopf bifurcation | vestibular system T he hair bundles of vertebrates are mechanosensory organelles responsible for detecting sounds in the auditory system, linear and angular accelerations in the vestibular system, and water movements and pressure gradients in the lateral-line system of fishes and amphibians (1, 2). In each instance an appropriate stimulus deflects the bundles, depolarizing the hair cells from which they emerge (3). Hair bundles are not simply passive detectors, however, for they actively amplify their responses to mechanical stimulation (4, 5). Hair-bundle motility contributes to an active process that endows the auditory system with the ability to detect stimuli with energies near that of thermal fluctuations (6), to distinguish tones that differ by less than 0.2% in frequency (7), and to accommodate inputs varying over a millionfold range in amplitude (4,(8)(9)(10)(11).Auditory, vestibular, and lateral-line organs respond to distinct patterns of mechanical input. The mechanical properties and environments of hair bundles differ correspondingly between different organisms, among receptor organs, and with the tonotopic position along individual auditory organs (12-15). A mathematical model predicts that the response of a hair bundle is regulated both by its intrinsic mechanical characteristics and by its mechanical load (16). Motivated by this proposition, we investigated how the load stiffness and constant force imposed on a bundle control its dynamics and response to external perturbations.
ResultsMapping the Hair Bundle's Experimental State Diagram. The hair bundle's state diagram characterizes its behavior for different combinations of two control parameters: load stiffness, or force per unit displacement, and constant force. These control parameters describe the mechanical load imposed on a hair bundle within a sensory organ. A theoretical model of hair-bundle dynamics predicts the qualitative structure of the state diagram ( Fig. 1 A-C). To test this prediction experimentally, we varied the mechanical load imposed on an individual hair bundle and monitored its displacement. The load was delivered to an individual hair bundle by attaching the tip o...