The interplay between simulations at various levels of hydration and experimental observables has led to a picture of the role of solvent in thermodynamics and dynamics of protein systems. One of the most studied proteinsolvent systems is myoglobin, which serves as a paradigm for the development of structure-function relationships in many biophysical studies. We review here some aspects of the solvation of myoglobin and the resulting implications. In particular, recent theoretical and simulation studies unify much of the diverse set of experimental results on water near proteins.Keywords: diffraction analysis; hydration; myoglobin; protein solutions; solvation; water dynamicsMyoglobin has a long history as a testing ground for ideas about the nature of proteins. The first protein whose structure was obtained at sufficient resolution to determine a complete set of atomic coordinates was myoglobin. This pioneering work revealed the now-classic globin fold of the 8 a-helices packed together into the tertiary structure (Kendrew et al., 1960(Kendrew et al., , 1961. Because of its simple structure relative to other proteins, its accessibility to various spectroscopies, and its physiological importance for oxygen storage, myoglobin has been extensively considered from both theoretical and experimental points of view. Even now, the relation between the structure and its function is not completely understood and much work continues on this protein (see Pauling, 1964;Olson et al., 1988;Rohlfs et al., 1990;Genberg et al., 1991;Springer et al., 1994).It is apparent that the environment surrounding the protein is critical in determining observable properties. Many experimental measurements depend in a sensitive way on the state of the system, including the solvating environment (or lack thereof). The term solvation refers to the general solution process; hydration refers specifically to the role of water as a solvent. In this review on the solvation of myoglobin, we concentrate mostly on aspects of the structure of water around myoglobin. Of primary interest to us are the cases where there are substantial overlaps in the study of hydration properties by different methods, and where there are also abundant comparisons between theory and experiment. Diffraction experiments carried out on protein crystals provide time-averaged atomic positions of both the solvent and the protein. In one sense, they give the best spatial information available at this time. There are difficulties in the interpretation of the less-ordered water molecules. Perhaps surprisingly, results derived from X-ray and neutron diffraction methods seem to differ in certain details, especially those concerned with the solvent. Other methods such as NMR and Mossbauer radiation spectroscopy provide information complementary to that of diffraction experiments, and the challenge now is to assemble these different results into a coherent picture.Computer simulations and simpler theoretical models have recently provided an interesting, and possibly unifying, ...