We study analytically equations that extend the Tang-Statz-deMars rate equations for a multimode FabryPerot laser by including the low-spatial-frequency population grating and the inhomogeneous pumping rate along the cavity axis ͓Quant. Semiclassic Opt. 5, L17 ͑1997͔͒. First, we prove the theorem that is the foundation of the antiphase dynamics: The total intensity transients are characterized by only one frequency, the single-mode relaxation oscillation. Second, we study the three-mode laser operation. In this context, we derive analytic expressions for the steady-state intensities, their linear stability, and the bifurcation points. We prove that strictly multimode solutions display a Hopf bifurcation leading to passive Q-switched solutions. Numerically, we have found that these time-periodic regimes may bifurcate to quasiperiodic and chaotic states and that there are many domains of bistability.