Abstract. We consider the problem of isothermal fiber spinning in a Newtonian fluid with no inertia. In particular, we focus on the effect of the downstream boundary condition. For prescribed velocity, it is well known that an instability known as draw resonance occurs at draw ratios in excess of about 20.2. We shall revisit this problem. Using the closed form solution of the differential equation, we shall show that an infinite family of eigenvalues exists and discuss its asymptotics. We also discuss other boundary conditions. If the force in the filament is prescribed, no eigenvalues exist, and the problem is stable at all draw ratios. If the area of the cross section is prescribed downstream, on the other hand, the problem is unstable at any draw ratio. Finally, we discuss the stability when the drawing speed is controlled in response to changes in cross section or force.Key words. extensional flow, fiber spinning, draw resonance AMS subject classifications. 76E99 DOI. 10.1137/0506342681. Formulation of the problem. Fiber spinning is a manufacturing process used in making textile or glass fibers. A highly viscous fluid is extruded vertically from a nozzle. It is then cooled by the ambient air and solidifies. The solidified fiber is then wound on a spool at the end of the spinline.Many physical effects are potentially significant in the study of this problem: viscosity, inertia, gravity, surface tension, cooling, elasticity, and air drag may all be relevant. In this paper, we focus on the simplest model and study the influence of varying boundary conditions. We assume that the force in the fiber is purely due to viscous effects, and we ignore temperature dependence. We use a one-dimensional model based on slender geometry and cross-sectional averaging. Let u(x, t) denote the axial speed and A(x, t) the area of the cross section. The spinneret is located at x = 0 and the spool is at x = L. The conservation of mass implies thatIf only viscous forces contribute, the tension in the fiber is given by 3ηAu x , where η is the viscosity. The requirement of constant tension in the fiber leads toBoundary conditions in industrial processes are notoriously ill defined. It is customary to assume that A and u are given at the spinneret:This of course, is an idealization; in reality there is a transition to an upstream flow, which cannot be described by the one-dimensional model. At the spool, it is sensible to prescribe either the speed or the force with which the fiber is wound. One might also consider control strategies where the flow is monitored and the speed of the spool adjusted to achieve a given objective. Since the goal of the manufacturing process is *